Dark Sky goes dark

I just learned from the Dark Sky website that the Dark Sky iOS app & API will be going away. I have really enjoyed using the app and hope many of the features of the app will be in the Apple weather app. Learn more about when the closure of the app and API will be from Dark Sky’s blog.

Goodbye macOS Server

I learned the other day that Apple is discontinuing the macOS server app. The app has been declining ever since they took out features like hosting a website or email server.

I had used this for a long time when it still allowed for web and email support. As I used it for an internal intranet.


iMac DOA…

There is trouble in paradise. My 2011 iMac has a faulty graphics card and has all the classic symptoms. After taking it for a checkup  with an Apple tech, they confirmed my own diagnoses. After doing some research I found there was an recall on my iMac,  but I was unware of it at the time in 2013 when they issued it. Now I am stuck with a computer that is going to cost more than it’s worth to fix.  So I guess it’s time to recycle it and start saving for a new one.