Dark Sky goes dark

I just learned from the Dark Sky website that the Dark Sky iOS app & API will be going away. I have really enjoyed using the app and hope many of the features of the app will be in the Apple weather app. Learn more about when the closure of the app and API will be from Dark Sky’s blog.

Software Tricks I find Useful

I have a never ending list of useful  shortcuts, tips, and tricks I use a lot. Today I wanted to share a couple of useful tips & shortcuts I find useful.


In Sublime Text

Wrap Text in a Tag
To wrap selected text in a tag, just hit Ctrl-Shift-W and type your tag.

Sublime Text 3 CheatSheet

In Photoshop

Zoom Document  to 100%
Cmd + 1 zooms the document to 100%

Change Brush Size Quickly: By http://photoshopsecrets.tumblr.com/
On a Mac, select the Brush tool, hold ctrl + alt, then click and drag up and down to change hardness and left and right to change size.
You can also press [ and ] to change size, and shift + [ and ] to change hardness.

Duplicate Layer by http://photoshopsecrets.tumblr.com/
? + up/down/left/right arrows duplicate the selected layer 1px in that direction.

Sublime Text

I’ve been using Sublime Text  for a while now. I really am enjoying this text editor. I do all programing/coding in Sublime Text that I don’t do in Xcode or at the Command Line.I’ve switched from using Coda which is also a great text editor too. I actually still use it for some coding work here and there. Why I like Sublime Text is because of the time it takes to start up. It’s  extremely fast and has become my go to editor when needing to edit something really quickly.