A New Year

Well, This is a post for 2007! So far I’ve had a great new year and hope it will only get better this year. I hope everyone is having a great start to this new year.

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. Oprah Winfrey

[tags]holidays, new year, 2007, happy new year, new years eve[/tags]

Throwing Out Schedules & Mandatory Meetings.

I was reading an article from Yahoo! that Best Buy is currently testing a new work ethic.

“The nation’s leading electronics retailer has embarked on a risky experiment to transform a culture of killer hours and herd-riding bosses. The endeavor, called ROWE, for “results-only work environment,” seeks to demolish decades-old business dogma that equates physical presence with productivity. The goal at Best Buy is to judge performance on output instead of hours.”

Looks like it could be a winner with most of the employees at Best Buy HQ and it could be testing it throughout all of its stores as well, making it the first retail company to have no schedules or mandatory meetings.

[tags]work, office, time clock, best buy, mandatory meeting, work ethic, retail, electronic, schedule[/tags]

A Job Search with Unlikley Results

I’ve been searching recently for contract, part-time, and full time work to fill the void  between contract or freelance jobs. In my search I’ve actually have came across two offers, which were really good and very tempting. After doing research on both  companies online, I only could find bad things about them, which lead me to belive their jobs offers were not so good after all. I guess the moral of this story is to research a company out before accepting the deal.  It could save you a lot of pain if you reseach first then accept later.
[tags]work, jobs, searching, googling,[/tags]