Design update!

Some will noticed I just updated the blog design. I decide to finally design a new template all from scratch this time using only XHTML and CSS. Plus it’s also valid strict XHTML/CSS  too.

What’s New?

What’s new in my world of designing and coding? Nothing much, but working on a few new things from site layouts to logos. I’ve also just released a new template that I custom designed for the new blog over at AlterCube. This template is made for WordPress and exactly matches their current site design too. I thought instead of using a pre-made template, I would just make the blog blend in with the rest of the site.

I recently set up a new blog for them by using WordPress, which replaces the old Php news system I custom coded for them a couple of years ago. The old system is not dead yet, it will still be used for the older archives and some back end things of the site.

So that’s it for me as far as the designing updates goes… I’m still working on a new desktop for this month and a few other things like icons, cards, and templates for wordpress too. Maybe I might just release one of the templates I’m designing as a download, If I did it would be under the Creative commons licenses .

Site Launch: AlterCube

AlterCube is a leading web development firm in North Carolina and they just recently relaunched their Internet presence with a new site design. I created their new website, logo, and the layout from concept to launch. The site is simple and to the point.It’s based on web standards, and built with only CSS and XHTML. I also used PHP for their custom built news system I built and their template system.