I’ve been busy lately working on client projects, but have had a few hours lately left in my days to finally start on redesigning my portfolio site, which is in dire need of a major overhaul. Plus I’ve had some extra time to enter contests like this one that was being hosted at Planet Photoshop last week. The contest was pretty simple since all you had to do was just redesign your twitter profile. I entered it to find out later that I won 3rd place which was nice, since I would be getting a years worth of Layers Magazine, which is a very trendy design magazine that has tutorials for all the Adobe software. Plus I’m also getting the Photoshop CS3 Hot Tips booklet which will be a welcomed addition to my design library as well.
Then last week I also got Veer’s Summer activity booklet, which they send out each year,and also got a Brightkite sticker from a fellow twitter friend too. I always enjoy getting buttons, stickers, and other tech logo items like tee shirts or mugs too. I hope to get some more stickers to put on my new macbook I just
got last month too. So far this week I took the yearly survey for A List Apart. and just working on client work as well as my portfolio redesign.
One reply on “Life, Contests, and Goodies!”
congrats on 3rd place, that’s awesome!