It’s been a year or so and I’m still continuing on with my healthy eating regiment. I’m trying to eat mostly all vegetarian meals these days too. As most will remember I had to go back to eating some meat, due to not getting enough protein in my diet. Beans, Soy products, and supplements were not working for me.
I try to eat any meals with meat as little as possible, though I wish I could find an alternative to get enough protein so I could be completely on a vegetarian diet. I also eat mostly all organic or home grown fruits, and veggies these days too. I have to say I feel much better and have a lot of energy too. I also do a lot of cooking at home these days too, rather than going out to eat, since it’s healthier for me to fix my favorite take out dishes. However, I still go out sometimes too hehehe. I also try to get to Places like Trader Joes, Earth Fare, or Whole foods to buy groceries and try my best to buy very little from our local chain stores.
I’ve also have switched from drinking 2 or three sodas a day to only 1 soda a day with no caffeine. Plus I’m now Interested in drinking different teas other than regular “sweet tea”. Plus once in a while I will have my fav coffee from Starbucks or the Local place. Which is a White mocha or Vanilla Latte or White Mocha Frapp,( depends on my mood or season) that is a treat just once in a while or if I need the caffeine if I’m pulling an all nighter for work.
Plus I’m trying to be more active these days from riding my mountain bike to walking ever chance I get. All in all this healthy living for me is making me feel a lot better than before. Now I wish I started this way of living a long time ago.