I just learned from the Dark Sky website that the Dark Sky iOS app & API will be going away. I have really enjoyed using the app and hope many of the features of the app will be in the Apple weather app. Learn more about when the closure of the app and API will be from Dark Sky’s blog.
Category: Weather
I can’t believe this year it was a warm Christmas. I prefer snow, cold temps, etc. for Winter & Christmas, so I do not like the spring like temps we are currently having. Even the National Weather Service mentions temperature records were tied and broke yesterday for Asheville due to the seasonally warm weather we are having. After all it is Winter and I do hope to see some snow before the season ends.
I am pretty happy with the weather events that has happened recently and that will be hopefully happening tomorrow. Right after my birthday this area got an ice storm. I was hoping for more snow than ice, but that was the first winter weather event of Winter. Then it snowed today for a couple of hours then melted all away. I am hearing tomorrow evenings event of snow will be the biggest amounts so far this season. I am hearing from weather reports that we’re in the 6-8″ range. I hope so as I would love to see more than 2-3 inches of snow.