I recently found a neat menu clock replacement for Mac OSX Lion. Day-O is a simple clock-date replacement created by Shaun Imnan. It has a nifty drop down calendar too.
Category: Reviews
So Recently I got a new mac, which I usually get a new computer about ever 7-10 years. Since getting a new mac in 2004 I thought it was getting time to get a new computer. The g5 was getting sluggish. I am enjoying the new computer a lot, and Lion is pretty neat too. Mac OS 10.7 ( Lion) has a lot of features I’m using everyday like Launch pad & mission control. Really helps when you have many windows open. I missed having Dashboard widgets on the desktop, but putting dashboard in dev mode still works in Lion and I’m back to having weather on my desktop, so I’m pretty happy about it too.
I’ve been waiting patiently till Verizon got the iPhone. In June I finally got to upgrade my cell. Really did think about getting a Droid at one point, but after using one I liked the iOS platform better. I guess I’ve grew accustom to iOS features since owning an iPod touch.
I know it’s rumored an iPhone5 will be out this fall along with iOS5, but couldn’t wait till then. I’m very happy with my iPhone4 and can’t wait for iOS5 to come out.