7 Signs It’s Time to Hire Someone

Thought this was a great article about needing to hire someone especially if you are a freelancer with overload of work and trying to juggle  everything.

7 Signs It’s Time to Hire Someone
by Christine Kane

I remember the first time I hired someone to mow my lawn for the summer. I was a tried-and-true D.I.Y. gal. I prided myself on it. 

The only problem was that I freakin’ couldn’t stand mowing the lawn. I’d dread it all week. And even though I was happy once it was done, I started dreading it again the very next day! 

At that time, I was studying several financial and business books. I began seeing my songs as my assets. I realized that the simple act of writing a song like “No Such Thing as Girls Like That” could pay me – in the long run – WAY more than the money I saved by mowing my lawn. 

In other words, I learned how to value my work in the world. I learned how to act on that value. It was scary for sure. (The voices in my head shrieked at me to just bite the bullet and do my own lawn!) But that one act taught me so much about success and the value of my time. 

These days I’ve taken it to a much bigger level, and I have a small team working for me. 

Now that I’m coaching people, I gently teach them these new ways of valuing their time as they expand into more success in their own lives. 

Here are 7 signs that it might be time for you to hire some help… 

1 – You don’t have enough time to do the thing you’re best at. 

What are you good at? What do you want to be good at? How much time do you actually spend doing that thing? If you’re running around getting menial tasks done – and you have no time topursue your passion, or engage in your high-pay-off, high-delight activities, then ask yourself why. 

Even if you let go of one item (like shoveling the snow) you’re telling the Universe the value of your time. (And you know what? The Universe always says Yes.) 

2 – You resent people who don’t struggle. 

This is a big one. 

If you hold resentment for people who live life with joy and ease, this could be telling you that you are waiting for rescue. That just leads to more struggle.

Only YOU are in charge of whether or not you struggle. Rescue yourself and learn what true empowerment feels like. 

3 – You’re worried about the economy 

Waiting for the economy to get better before you’ll hire someone? Why not become a part of the solution and use your money to improve the economy? 

While everyone else is pulling back and firing people – you can experience what it’s like to be the change you wish to see in the world!

4 – You think that no one can do it as good as you.

If you just shouted “Amen Sister!” – then please step away from your computer. Go to the bathroom mirror. Look into that mirror and say the following aloud: 

“I have a bit of a control issue.” 

The belief that no one can do it better than you serves only to keep you in the role of the Martyr. Unless you are, say, a brain surgeon, then there are many people who can (and will) do it as good as you. 

5 – You’re not playing to win. You’re playing not to lose. 

Ask any coach or athlete about this. 

When you play to not lose, all you’re doing is surviving, relying on yourself and hoping no one notices you. 

When you play to win – you take risks, you keep your mental attitude strong, you rely on the team, you look for the goal. Decide that you want to play to win.

6 – You’ve used this phrase at least once in the past week: “By the time I show someone how to do it, I could just do it myself.” 

This is a classic phrase of someone who refuses to succeed. It’s the mantra of the struggle-addict. 

Learning how to delegate is empowering. Not just for you, but for others as well. Besides, when you show them how to do it once, they can keep on doing it so you don’t have to! 

7 – You dread certain things so much that they don’t get done.

It’s okay to not enjoy aspects of your work or your life. (Most musicians don’t like doing their own newsletter, for instance.) This is the exact thing you can hire someone to do. 

What items do you dread? No matter what they are, when you get them off your plate, you’ll experience more energy just knowing they’re getting done – and you don’t have to worry about them anymore!


Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it:

Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her ‘LiveCreative’ weekly ezine with more than 4,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative atwww.christinekane.com.

Throwing Out Schedules & Mandatory Meetings.

I was reading an article from Yahoo! that Best Buy is currently testing a new work ethic.

“The nation’s leading electronics retailer has embarked on a risky experiment to transform a culture of killer hours and herd-riding bosses. The endeavor, called ROWE, for “results-only work environment,” seeks to demolish decades-old business dogma that equates physical presence with productivity. The goal at Best Buy is to judge performance on output instead of hours.”

Looks like it could be a winner with most of the employees at Best Buy HQ and it could be testing it throughout all of its stores as well, making it the first retail company to have no schedules or mandatory meetings.

[tags]work, office, time clock, best buy, mandatory meeting, work ethic, retail, electronic, schedule[/tags]