This week has not been too bad, did have a chance to finally install Tiger (Mac OS X (10.4.6)) on the laptop, which is running superfast now. Not sure why, but Panther seemed so slow on the iBook. The iBook is not really that old either it was some of the last batch of ibooks before they released the macbooks, but anyhow it’s installed and I’m happy. I decided to wait on putting Leopard on the desktop and laptop (Macs) until it’s been out a while, whenever it does finally get released. Why I decided to wait is because if any bugs, glitches, etc. the software might have when it’s released. I’ve learned ( from buying Windows ME) to always wait for a couple releases before buying new software… Of course Photoshop is out now too, which has lead me to wait till I buy a new mac to get it because I really think it would run the best on a new intel mac. Then Hey…. I can finally say good-bye to windows for good. ASTA LA VISTA…..[tags]windows, macs, vista, xp,[/tags]