Hippie Style

Some say I’m a hippie or have hippie ways about me. Never knew why what would be, because I’m just me. Although I could see where someone would think that. For years now I’ve  cared about the environment and different causes. I’m a huge recycler, love nature, eating healthy/organic foods and many other things too. Yea the style of music I like is different genres, but do love reggae, dub, a long with artists like Jack johnson, G. love, Bob Marley,  Jimmy Buffet, Ben harper, Grateful Dead, Phish, etc.

So I guess in way, I could be a hippie, but I don’t live for labels, I’m just who I am.

Week is flying by

It’s already Tuesday and the week is flying by so far. I’ve been busy with a couple of projects and dealing with some other stuff too. In the end it’s always the best things that comes out of a difficult problem or a busy day. Always I have to  keep thinking positive  and the best will also come.

Shattered Dreams.

I had hoped to update the blog in a few weeks to say I would be moving into my new home, and start my new job but unfortunately with land issues, and this declining economy that dream came to an end in march. Everything was looking great until I got a call from the realtor to say you don’t want to build here, and I was like why. She said  the land was in a flood zone and others had complained about their foundation was moving due to really bad erosion. So after I found that out, then I found out that my potential job offer was no more as well too.  Plus I knew it was going to be hard to sell a home too, so I put off everything for now and kept looking toward the future. A lot has happened since march, good and bad. I have to look at it this way, Doors closes for a reason, but better opportunities or doors will open up at the right time.