Daring Fireball: Coda

“What Xcode is to app development and what Dashcode is to widget development — that’s what Coda is to web development. Replace Coda’s (lovely) green leaf icon with some sort of blueprint-with-a-tool-on-top and it’d be easy to convince someone that it’s “Webcode”, a new app from Apple itself.”

read more | digg story

Ok…. Testing 123

Well, the table for the blog posts went loco which left me without any posts. I’m back up though…. With all the bad news, & luck tonight. I might have just got some more contact work, which is a great thing, but I do hope everything gets better soon. I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I hope it’s not a flash light….

Database Crashed……

The Database Crashed… I lost about 4 years worth of posts….