End of the Road for One Web Browser

Depending on how far back you’ve been on the Internet, it’s pretty likely that you used to use Netscape Navigator to browser the web. AOL has announced that they are killing off Navigator development. There will be some support for the browser till January, but it’s recommended that you switch to Firefox now.

Getting Things Done

I have not read the book yet, but I’ve been trying to follow David Allen’s concept of GTD(Getting Things Done) online. I downloaded a great program for the Mac called iGTD. iGTD takes some concepts and ideas from the Getting Things Done methodology by allowing you to organize your life by contexts or projects. Plus you can add e-mail, web-pages, and files to this program, with one press of a buttom. It also works great with Growl, and Quicksilver.

[tags]GTD, getting things done, David Allen, free software, [/tags]

Know Your Shortcuts

I recently found a website via Digg that has posted about all the keyboard shortcuts available for Mac OSX.

“This Complete Guide To OSX Keyboard Shortcuts,has every possible keyboard shortcut that one could need for OSX.

read more | digg story

[tags]macos, shortcuts, macosx, apple, digg,[/tags]