Holidays are Over

The holidays are over for another year and it’s already 2011.

My 1# resolution for 2011 is

I resolve in 2011 to spread more kindness & happiness to everyone I meet, volunteer more, to have even more patience, and keeping on my routine of my simple living. ( Reduce, Recycle & Reuse, Eat only organic and healthy food and live life to the fullest everyday.)

Halloween 2010

Wow the month of October flew by.  Halloween was here, before I knew it. I love this time of year. Although, it seems like Fall was short this year and Winter came quickly with the weather we have been having. Anyhow, getting back to topic. I really love Halloween… I always do a movie marathon for the month of October, watching everything from classic horror movies to the favorites I grew up with as a kid. This year I did not decorate like I normally do. I felt I needed to have one year off, but I did miss decorating this year. Most of all I missed my mom and all the creative stuff she always did around this time of year too. She always made Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas the best, well including my birthday too. 🙂

Vacation Time

It’s that time again to do some traveling this summer. I’ll get to explore the world, not really just going a few places more than I go normally. This year is all about having fun and exploring new places.