New Twitter Features Rock

I just discovered yesterday that Twitter has a new feature called explore. If you go to the Explore Twitter Page, you’ll find links to various applications and one of their new features called Twitter Block. Twitter Block, is an animated 3d visualization of the people you follow and who follows them. I tried it out yesterday and I have to say it’s an awesome 3d visualization of Twitter.

[tags]twitter, blocks, explore, social media,[/tags]

Just Having Fun

I’m sure by now, you’ve seen some of my recent doodles, right? If you kept an eye on my Flickr feed, (at the right hand side) you’ve seen my recent doodles. In my free time here lately I’ve started drawing again for fun. It’s really has helped me keep busy and stay positive through this rough time.

Just DoodlingThe Rad Skater

August DesktopSnack Time

Site Launch: AlterCube

AlterCube is a leading web development firm in North Carolina and they just recently relaunched their Internet presence with a new site design. I created their new website, logo, and the layout from concept to launch. The site is simple and to the point.It’s based on web standards, and built with only CSS and XHTML. I also used PHP for their custom built news system I built and their template system.